Dynamic IP Addresses: General Info
Why do I care?
You may use OpenDNS as is without ever reading this page. This information is for those who want to change some of the OpenDNS default settings or view statistics about your DNS usage. For instance, using web content filtering requires a network, which requires an IP address. Knowing more about dynamic IP addresses is useful, especially for home users.
Quick steps
Know enough? Want to get it done? Do the following:
- Create a free account, and confirm the email address.
- Go to the Settings tab.
- Add a network using your current IP address (displayed on the page).
- Click your new networks's IP address to access its settings.
- Click "Advanced Settings" on the left.
- Check the box to "Enable dynamic IP update." Be sure to apply your settings at the bottom of the page.
- Learn how to keep your address updated. If you don't keep the IP updated, your preferences will not be applied, and your statistics will not be collected — though you will still be using OpenDNS.

Multiple networks with dynamic IP addresses in a single network are supported. Learn more.
General information about Internet Protocol (IP) addresses
What is an Internet Protocol (IP) address?
An IP address is a number which computers use to identify a location on the network, whether the public Internet or a private network. The number is in the format #.#.#.# where the # may be any number from 0 to 255. For example, Learn more technical details.
Do I have an IP address?
Yes, everyone on the Internet has an IP address, whether you know it or not!
How does OpenDNS use IP addresses?
OpenDNS uses IP addresses to know that a DNS request is coming from you. With a free OpenDNS account, you establish and verify an IP address or range of IP addresses as under your management as a network. A network may be a single IP address on up to many thousands of addresses. OpenDNS delivers custom DNS preferences and statistics based on the network association, which you establish and verify with a free OpenDNS account in the Dashboard.
Note: OpenDNS does not provide IP addresses. Those come from your Internet provider.
What is a dynamic IP address?
Simply, a dynamic IP address is one that changes periodically. The ISP (Internet Service Provider) or network provider makes the change, not the individual user.
Note: Static IP addresses are easier for the individual, but a static IP address may cost more or not be available from your ISP. Ask your provider.
How do I know my IP address?
On the OpenDNS Dashboard, your current IP address is displayed at the top right of the page.

You may also confirm at https://myip.dnsomatic.com — you're shown your public IP address, nothing more.
How do I know if my IP address is dynamic?
If you don't know, then your IP is probably dynamic. However, you can contact your ISP and find out!
Public versus private IP address
OpenDNS, like all public Internet services, only sees your "public" IP address when you make a DNS request. At an office or school or behind a router at home, your individual computer may have a different, private IP address, visible only to those inside your network. If an IP address starts with 192.168 or 10.10, for example, that is a private network IP address, not available to the public Internet.