Not Loading domains
Please flush your browser cache and try again.
Instructions for flushing your web browser's cache can be found here: ******
Have flushed the cache and it has made no difference, also tried two different browsers. Only the first domain of the day visited is visible, also discovered that the same is showing for yesterday when I was able to view two pages of domains. Only the first one visited is now visible. This is the same viewing on both browsers.
I can see the next button on yesterday's first page but it clicks over to a blank page.
I've just sent a request with screenshots attached, all from 10/7 which was the last day that it worked properly for me. There are 3 screenshots two of how it looks today and one of all domains showing on 10th. I must admit I thought it was a browser issue at first but now I've tried 3 browsers and two devices and they're the same.
Hello squirrel1999,
Thanks for you reply.
I have been advised by the Engineering team that they have successfully identified and addressed the underlying cause and that the problem should be resolved.
However, if you're still encountering any issue accessing your OpenDNS dashboard, please create a support request so we can troubleshoot the problem.
Just an update for Reg Ham - clear cache does not fix!
I tried using Brave, Chrome e Edge (PC) - same problem
I tried using Brave, Chrome and Safari (Iphone) - same problem.
And rabbitholeweb1 told that opened a ticket and Minaz Amarshi said that there is no problem at all ...
I'll keeping using the CSV file (that is correct) and hope that someone sees that we have a problem.
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