OpenDNS vs. ISP hosted CDN


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    1. Yes, this can happen, especially if your ISP routes you to a more distant OpenDNS location. To see the OpenDNS location you're routed to, execute the following command:
      dig +short txt
    2. This is always if you are far away from any OpenDNS location or are routed by your ISP to a far OpenDNS location.
    3. There is hope. One example would be to use an own internal DNS server, where you configure certain zones to be resolved by your ISP's DNS service and the rest by OpenDNS.
    4. If there is bad routing configured where they are in charge for, then yes, they can and should fix that.
    5. And yes, feel free to open a ticket with OpenDNS, so that OpenDNS work with your ISP and their network carriers to get routing optimized. And no, OpenDNS cannot return DNS information it is not fed with as recursive DNS service.
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