Can't get OpenDNS to work on home network
I've followed all the directions to get OpenDNS up and going on our home network but to no avail. I cannot get a positive test on any of the test pages and the filtering is not working. My IP addresses match on the dashboard. I have the three proper Static DNS numbers in place on my Linksys WRT54GL router. I've flushed the DNS and the Firefox browser cache. I've put the updater on a computer that doesn't get turned off. I've restarted computers and browsers. I have one PC, four laptops, two Xboxes, two Wiis, a Kindle, a tablet, an Ipod and two smartphones I'm hoping to filter. All of the forementioned have static IPs, though I do keep a few dynamic IP slots open for visitors to jump on the network. Any assistance you can give would be greatly appreciated. :) Thanks!
It could be that your ISP redirects your DNS queries to their own DNS service, so any alternative DNS configuration cannot take effect. Check it with:
nslookup -type=txt
If this returns "I am not an OpenDNS resolver", then your ISP redirects your DNS queries.
"My IP addresses match on the dashboard... I've put the updater on a computer that doesn't get turned off."
These things are totally useless as long as you don't use OpenDNS at all. These are secondary steps.
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