Can't access my second account: "Network already exists"
I have an openDNS account for my home and I have no problems. About 2 years ago I set up an account for my church. The DNS servers are working properly and are configured in the router. But I can't log in to my church openDNS account to view stats or make changes to the filters. Whenever I log in, openDNS recognizes my username and password and logs me on. But it prompts me to "Add a network". When I try to add the church's static ip address I get the message, "Network already exists". What can I do to fix this situation?
- Contact sales to get an Enterprise account for your church. Content filtering is free for home use only.
- Contact support to get your static IP address removed from the other OpenDNS network, who ever registered it. However, it looks like as if you login to the wrong account. It could be that your IP address was registered earlier by you with another account's network you own.
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