How do I setup OpenDNS on Verizon 5G Internet Gateway?
While we do offer general instructions for most popular routers on our site (, we do not have the resources to list each single make and model of router on the market, so you may need to consult your router's user manual. I managed to find a copy of the manual online at However, it did not mention changing the DNS server addresses.
Basically, you just need to access the router’s configuration page and input our DNS numbers. If that router was supplied to you by your ISP you will need to contact them for instructions on updating the DNS settings, as they may have loaded their own, proprietary firmware on the device. Otherwise, you will need to consult your manual or contact the manufacturer for detailed instructions on updating the DNS settings on that particular device.
Alternatively, you can always change the DNS settings on your computer instead (see You will get the same benefits, and if you have a small number of computers on your network, it's relatively easy. In some cases, users have found success in configuring both their router and computers.
Another option would be to install a third-party router, such as one you would buy at a store, in between the ISP's router and the rest of the devices on your network. You can then configure OpenDNS on that device and it will distribute the DNS settings to the devices on your network.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please create a support request so we can troubleshoot this problem further.
Best regards.
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